Back Tax Strategy Guide
Got back taxes?
Don't worry, you're not alone. Back taxes and hate mail from the IRS are way more common than you think, people just aren't talking about them. Even I owed $10,000 on my taxes last year!
When you owe back taxes to the IRS, it's easy to get stuck in what I call the "oh shit" cycle. You're so focused on saving and paying those back taxes that you don't save money (or don't have any left) towards this year's quarterly estimated taxes, leaving you owing more money at the end of the year and essentially back where you started, year after year.
The key to breaking the cycle is creating a plan that allows you to pay back taxes at a rate you can maintain while also being able to save money toward your current taxes. That's where my Back Tax Strategy Guide comes in, helping you develop a plan to break that "oh shit" cycle.
Get Access to My Back Tax Strategy Guide
It's time to create a plan of action to get caught up on on those back taxes.

What's in the guide?
Inside you'll find workbook-style exercises to help you determine what your best course of action might be to get up to speed on your back taxes so you can get the IRS off your back and stop laying awake wondering how you're going to pay your taxes.
Let's take care of those back taxes
Once and for all.