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My Bookkeeping
Feeling nosey?
I went back and forth on this a lot and finally said, "you know what, in the spirit of transparency, I'm going to share my books." Well, I didn't say it like that, but it's what I'm doing.
Yes, my actual books in the actual Google doc that I edit each week. Just out there in the world for anyone to look at for free.
You'll get a link to view the doc I pull all my profit report data from for the podcast and how I literally run my business. And now you can see it too. Because let's be real, who doesn't love to be nosey?
Get Access to My Actual Bookkeeping
Seriously, you'll be viewing the document I use and can even watch me edit it in real time.

It's okay to talk about our numbers.
Whether you've been told that it wasn't polite to talk about money, or grew up in a family like mine that always talked about the imaginary money tree in the backyard, there's often stigma around talking about money, but we can break that down when we're transparent. Don't hide behind embarrassment about how much you did or didn't make this year or what your expenses were. When we talk about our numbers we can learn from one another on ways to increase profit, decrease expenses or raise our revenue.
Plus, I can't really ask people to come on my podcast to share their numbers if I don't share mine, right?
Show me the numbers
Follow along when you listen to the podcast or just check up from time to time to see how my profit's tracking.