What You Should Stop Focusing On to Build a Profitable Business

It’s easy to get hyped about certain things in business and finance, but are we focusing on the right things to build profit in a smart, sequential way. On this talk, we will discuss what you need to be doing now to set yourself up for the juicy stuff in 2024.

Wednesday, December 6th at 9:00Β a.m. PST (12:00 EST)

Wednesday, December 6th at 12:00 PST (3:00 EST)

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Can you imagine...


What it'd feel like if you were confident in the legal structure of your business, your tax strategy, and your financial systems?

Like, you know how much you're making, how much you're spending, and how to look at the numbers to make strategic decisions.

And once that money comes in, you know what to do with it without being overwhelmed by all the overhyped tax advice on TikTok.

That's what I want for you bestie, and that's why we're busting through the B.S. on this training, including...

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How to make sure your business is actually legally protected instead of just hoping it's enough.

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How to set up a cash flow system so you always know where your money's going.

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Why it's important as CEO of your business to understand the legal side of your business, even if you're outsourcing.

Why listen to me?

Well aside from being fun, fabulous, the most smart, and humble, I'm an attorney and tax professional whose hobby happens to be whipping up fab resources for fellow business owners.

I've recorded about 300 podcast, done nearly 100 speaking events, and have worked with a hundreds of creative small business owners like yourself through 1-on-1 work, online courses, and my membership, Profit Rx.

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