$100.00 USD

Trademark Quickie

How It Works.

This signup covers one name search. If you'd like multiple, you can add one more.

We use a third party software to do the search. We will send you the full report along with a very  short note like...

"This mark looks worth pursuing."


"This mark looks like it'd be very though to file."

From there, you can choose to hire us to give a more in depth opinion and/or file your mark for you. You can also use to report to pivot and choose a new name, or do whatever you'd like.

If the spots are sold here before you are able to sign up...

Click here to join the waitlist for the next round. We email the waitlist first and usually fill the new spots that way.

What People Are Saying:

"Purchasing the Trademark Search Quickie was an absolute game-changer for me. Thanks to Brayden's ingenious offering, I didn't have to spend hours consulting with an attorney to figure out my next steps. The process was quick, effective, and incredibly insightful. What stood out the most was the clarity of the report—it was like a breath of fresh air in a legal world often clouded by jargon. The straightforward answers and actionable next steps provided me with the confidence to make informed decisions. I wholeheartedly recommend this product to anyone navigating the intricacies of trademarks—it's a must-have in your toolkit!"

Amanda McKinney: Accountability Coach, Podcast Host & Author