176 - It's Time for Me to Pivot

Episode #176

Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere or changing the core of what I teach. What I am doing is pivoting my business model to better serve you. This Spring I offered my Unf*ck Your Biz signature course for the third time and registration dipped. Thank you to so many of you who took the time to give me feedback in my post-launch survey to learn about why you did not purchase the course. Many of you over the year have shared that you don't need the full offerings of the Unf*ck Your Biz course and are just looking for help becoming an LLC or want help with taxes.


Beginning the coming week on Tuesday, June 1st, I'm moving to what I will call "an everything is available all the time business model." Not only will you have access to freebies and trainings, you will also be able to buy self-study programs that will help you go from a Sole Prop to an LLC/LLC to S-Corp and also be able to buy a tax-focused course. And coming soon, I'll be launching some more courses you have been requesting like Unf*ck My Website and Unf*ck My Systems. If you prefer learning in a group setting, don't worry, I'll still be offering my Unf*ck Your Biz signature program once or twice a year to learn alongside me in a closed Facebook group.


The goal is to cultivate a community where everyone is working on what they need to work when they need to work on it. And I'll be supporting all the students inside my Facebook Group, Braden's Besties.