280 - Revisiting the Unf*ck Your Biz Framework
On today's episode of the podcast, I'm discussing how I've updated the framework of my business and how it ties into the third edition of my book.
Get on the waitlist for Unf*ck Your Biz at notavglaw.com/waitlist. The class will start late May/early June so mark your calendars.
To give a few updates, I'm seeing my good friend Claire Pelletreau this weekend, I'm ordering some Drag Tax swag for when I head to RuPaul's DragCon in a few weeks and in addition to that and working with my one-on-one clients, I'm working on updates to my book which we'll be diving into today.
I've recently updated my business framework which, in turn, means updates to my book. This is sooner than anticipated, I just released the second edition of the book about six or so months ago and it takes about eight weeks minimum to produce with my editor, graphic designer and typesetter.
In the future, I've decided if I have minor updates to make we won't call it a new edition, I'll just quietly make the updates but if I plan to do a big update like this one, I'll release a new edition like I'm doing right now for a few reasons.
1. I have some new client case studies I want to add since I opened the law firm.
2. We're relaunching the Unf*ck Your Biz program. I haven't launched this program since May 2021 so it's been two years. We recycled the content into the Profit Rx membership and now I've decided to go back to running the program and having an alumni membership. The program covers setting up your legal and tax systems and the membership covers the ongoing maintenance. In the past the program had a textbook and it's an indescribable amount of work to put together and most people were using the digital version of it instead of the printed version and it doesn't need to be in a big, textbook-sized book. So I decided to add some content from the textbook into the regular Unf*ck Your Biz book and now you can read the book on its own and have the framework and not be a student or you can be a student and it will be your primary text.
3. I've decided to give my whole framework away inside the book. I didn't do this when I first started working with my book coach in 2020 because I was afraid to give it all away in a $30 book and cannibalize my course sales. But I didn't want to hold a lot back and give a watered down book so when I first launched the book I included 2/3 of the book on part one of the framework and the other third was a condensed version of the last four parts of the frame work.
But I've realized that those of you who are going to buy the book and not join the program are going to do just that and those who read the book and want additional support and community support and access to resources like me to ask questions and video tutorials and templates that can't be included in a book and accountability and follow-through are going to buy the program.
So I've tweaked the framework a bit and added 20-30,000 words. I just finished up a book club of interested people to read the draft and I had 123 people sign up which was amazing and I got feedback, improvement suggestions, corrections, etc.
What stuck with me was one person who showed up yesterday to our final book club and said they liked the part where I talk about what a "real company" is. In the book I talk about how we think it's big businesses that get investors or are on the How I Built This podcast but my response to that is that it's about CEO mindset and what we call ourselves really matters (CEO, entrepreneur, business owner, etc.) because we need to take ownership of what we're doing.
It doesn't matter how big your business is, you need to take things like contracts, taxes, etc. seriously which is why you need to Unf*ck Your Biz. In updating the framework, I've moved bookkeeping systems to the front of the framework instead of the end because when we get to taxes it's helpful for you to know how much money you made to figure out how much to save for taxes. In Part 2 we cover taxes and how much you should be saving. In Part 3 we go through back taxes , business formation mistakes and what needs to be unf*cked an then I added a chapter on worker misclassification as we've been talking about on the podcast. Part 4 covers layers of legal protection like contracts, insurance, trademarks and copyrights. Part 5 is business formation including what you need like an LLC and S Corp and how to form it and we end with Part 6 on cash flow and how to pay yourself and automate your tax savings. I also added appendices with graphics and references to make it a book you'll always want to have on hand.
Get your hands on a new copy of the book by pre-ordering your copy at unfuckyourbizbook.com. You can get the e-book an the audiobook for $20 or the e-book, audiobook AND the hardcover print version for just $30.